Leave the stress in the formula aisle.

Let's find the right formula for your baby.

Get personalized formula recommendations

You can find the right baby formula without feeling overwhelmed

Yes, there are hundreds of formulas on the shelf, but not every formula will be the right fit for your family.

Instead of relying on baby formula marketing, I help you:

  • understand formula ingredients and why you might want one brand vs. another.
  • whittle down the options until to find formulas your baby loves and you feel good about.
  • feel less stress so you can bond with your baby more.

Finding the best baby formula is possible!

I'm here to help.

Get your personalized formula recommendations

I'm Erin Moore.

I'm here to help you feel good about bottle feeding.

After working with moms and babies as a nurse for over 10 years, I thought having a baby of my own would be a piece of cake. Boy, was I humbled. My own feeding struggles inspired me to help parents feed their babies without judgment or shame.

I've helped thousands of moms feel good about feeding their babies and toddlers - whether they are breastfeeding, formula feeding, or offering solid foods. Becoming a parent is hard. Feeding your baby doesn't need to be.


What is the best baby formula?

 The best baby formula is...

The one your baby tolerates well and that you feel good about!

Sometimes it feels like finding the owner of the glass slipper.

The best baby formula is different for every family and every baby.

Find the right formula now

Personalized baby formula recommendations

Every family is different. Why would each recommendation be the same?


Ask for help so you can ditch the overwhelm

Remember - you don't have to go through it alone.


Fill out a short questionnaire

Tell me your wants, needs, desires, and all about your baby.


Get your expert recommendations

Delivered to your email within 3 business days. Easy peasy.


We all need extra support sometimes

five star rating

First-time mom

Erin helped me switch my baby from breast milk to formula, which I was so nervous to do! It was nice to be reassured on how to do it and what to look for when it came to needing to change the formula I was giving him. Sometimes you just need that extra support and guidance especially as a first time mom and Erin was able to provide that.

Send me recommendations

Feeding your baby won't always be easy...

...but getting support will be.

I can't guarantee your baby's feeding journey will look picture-perfect.

What I can guarantee is that you will feel supported in solving your baby's feeding concerns in a way that feels good for you.

You don't have to feel alone during your baby's feeding journey.

Never second-guess how your baby is being fed.

Learn from a  professional who understands formula

Instead of hearing anecdotal and judgmental opinions from strangers, have a pediatric nurse practitioner and lactation counselor recommend formulas based on your baby's needs.

Don't choose a formula  at random.

Understanding what is in a formula and WHY it is in there is the first step to feeling good about formula feeding. I will help you streamline the information so you understand WHY your baby will thrive on one formula, while others might not be the best.

Stop worrying and spend more time bonding.

Bottle feeding CAN be a source of bonding vs a source of stress. You feed your baby every 2-4 hours. You don't need the constant question of if you chose the right formula.

Ready to get the formula-feeding support you deserve? 


Click to get your baby formula recommendations now